09:00 | Fanny Azzuro | Thionville | France | |
Conservatory Masterclasses from 9am to 12am |
10:00 | Gaëlle Solal | Avellino | Italy | |
Music Conservatory D. Cimarosa Masterclasses
18:30 | Juliette Hurel | Ploeren | France | |
Domaine Le Mézo Long live love! With Julie Depardieu, narrator & Hélène Couvert, piano |
20:30 | Duo Salque-Peirani | Les Achards | France | |
15:00 | Fanny Azzuro | Thionville | France | |
Le Symphonique de Thionville Rachmaninov, 2nd concerto Salvatore Perri, conductor |
15:30 | La Symphonie de Poche | Verdun | France | |
Jeanne d'Arc Church Transatlantic Rhapsódy
16:00 | Jean-Luc Ho | Equilly | France | |
Le Logis d'Equilly Greetings from Spain
19:30 | Deborah Nemtanu | Wambrechies | France | |
Festivities Hall Inventions with François Salque, cello |
Juliette Hurel | Rouen | France | Victoires de la musique classique | |
Opera Excerpt from the 2nd mvt of Mozart's concerto for flute and harp with Anja Linder and the Orchestre de l'Opéra de Rouen Broadcast live on France 3 and France Musique |
20:00 | Canticum Novum | Lille | France | |
Théâtre du Nord Kaldûn
20:00 | Quatuor Leonis | Saint-Etienne | France | |
Opera Eclisse totale
20:00 | Canticum Novum | Lille | France | |
Théâtre du Nord Kaldûn
20:30 | Gaëlle Solal | Aix-en-Provence | France | |
Le Petit Duc Co-headlining with the duet Aniorte-Paz
19:00 | Claire-Marie Le Guay | Saint-Omer | France | |
La Barcarolle M+ Ravel - music & dance with Constant Vigier, choreography & dance |
20:00 | Quatuor Leonis | Saint-Etienne | France | |
Opera Eclisse totale
20:00 | Canticum Novum | Lille | France | |
Théâtre du Nord Kaldûn
11:00 | Quatuor Hermès | Grenoble | France | Association Elles, women composers |
MC2 Scenes from the forest
20:00 | Nicolas Simon | Caen | France | |
Auditorium Jean-Pierre Dautel Baal with Caen Orchestra Zad Moultaka & Johannes Brahms |
19:30 | Claire-Marie Le Guay | Nanterre | France | |
Maison de la Musique Re-enchantment Schumann, Mozart, Debussy |
19:30 | Claire-Marie Le Guay | Nanterre | France | |
Maison de la Musique Re-enchantment Schumann, Mozart, Debussy |
20:00 | Jean-Luc Ho | Namur | Belgium | |
Le Grand Manège Bach Concerto for 3 and 4 harpsichords with Ensemble Caravanserail Bertrand Cuiller, conductor |
21:00 | Fanny Azzuro | Milano | Italy | |
Università Bocconi Rachmaninov - Scriabine - Gershwin
20:00 | Quatuor Voce | Voreppe | France | |
Jean-Luc Ho | Colmar | France | ||
Unterlinden Museum Solo harpsichord recording March 15th to 18th, 2025 |
19:30 | Quatuor Akilone | Monaco | Monaco | |
One Monte-Carlo Berg - Webern - Beethoven
20:00 | Quatuor Alfama | Villeneuve d'Asq | France | |
"La Ferme d'en-Haut" Madness of Love
20:00 | Gaëlle Solal | Montigny le Tilleul | Belgium | |
Auditorium René de Cooman in quintet with the Karski Quartet
20:00 | Juliette Hurel | Ferrières-en-Gâtinais | France | |
Church Notre-Dame-de-Béthléem in trio with Isabelle Moretti, harp & Miguel Da Silva, viola
20:00 | Ensemble Irini | Mane | France | |
Salagon Priory Janua
11:00 | Gaëlle Solal | Huy | Belgium | |
Huy's cultural center Recital
15:00 | Pascal Amoyel | Le Havre | France | |
Théâtre de l'Hôtel de Ville Dvorak night with Emmanuelle Bertand, cello |
17:00 | Quatuor Akilone | Monaco | Monaco | |
Princess Grace Theater Candlelight reading and concert Schönberg & Beethoven |
20:00 | L'Achéron | Innsbruck | Austria | |
Canisianum Fantasies for 4 viols by Purcell - Jenkins - Locke
20:00 | Juliette Hurel | Paris | France | |
Invalides museum Trio with Marie-Laure Garnier, soprano & Tristan Raës, piano
20:00 | Sarah & Deborah Nemtanu | Marolles-en-Hurepoix | France | |
Festivities Hall Sarah & Deborah Nemtanu, violin duo
Quatuor Ardeo | Madrid | Spain | ||
Royal Palace Goldberg Variations on instruments of the Stradivarius Quartet from the Palais Royal collection |
20:00 | Fanny Azzuro | Paris | France | |
ECUJE (Espace Culturel et Universitaire Juif d'Europe) Chopin - Scriabine
Quatuor Ardeo | Madrid | Spain | ||
Royal Palace Goldberg Variations on instruments of the Stradivarius Quartet from the Palais Royal collection |
19:00 | Nicolas Simon | Bucharest | Romania | |
Athénée roumain Bach - Bruch - Brahms Orchestra Filarmonica George Enescu |
20:00 | Claire-Marie Le Guay | Ettelbruck | Luxembourg | |
CAPE - Centre des Arts Pluriels M+ Daphnis & Chloé With Constant Vigié, choreography & dance |
20:30 | Fanny Azzuro | Saint-Christophe-des-Bardes | France | Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Émilion |
Fombrauge Castle Scriabine & Chopin
19:00 | Nicolas Simon | Bucharest | Romania | |
Athénée roumain Bach - Bruch - Brahms Orchestra Filarmonica George Enescu |
20:00 | Quatuor Voce | Zamora | Spain | |
Ravel - Sivak
20:30 | Pascal Amoyel | Hyères | France | |
Théâtre Denis The 50-finger pianist
13:00 | Gaëlle Solal | Namur | Belgium | |
IMEP Masterclasses from 1pm to 6pm |
19:00 | Trio Zadig | Paris | France | |
Rachmaninoff Conservatory Rachmaninoff - Chostakovitch
19:30 | Quatuor Alfama | Chimay | Belgium | |
Chimay's castle
Canticum Novum | Flavigny-sur-Ozerain | France | Hors Saison Musicale | |
17:00 | Pascal Amoyel | Montfort-l'Amaury | France | |
Salle Bolero The 50-finger pianist
18:00 | Fanny Azzuro | Paris | France | L'école de l'art |
Brahms- Fauré - Rachmaninov with François Robin, cello |
20:30 | Claire-Marie Le Guay | Clermont-Ferrand | France | |
20:00 | Juliette Hurel | Marseille | France | |
Auditorium de la Faculté de Médecine From Bach to Hersant with Hélène Couvert, piano |
12:30 | Gaëlle Solal | Charleroi | Belgium | |
A6K Quimeras with Pierre Fontenelle, cello |
20:00 | Sarah & Deborah Nemtanu | Arradon | France | |
La Lucarne
20:00 | Quatuor Voce | Le Malesherbois | France | Les Éclats Musicaux |
Atelier Musée de l'Imprimerie Ravel 150 - Ricordo
20:30 | Quatuor Akilone | Athens | Greece | |
Theocharakis Foundation
20:00 | Quatuor Voce | Augerville-la-Rivière | France | Les Éclats Musicaux |
Augerville Castle Mozart and the Garth Knox Way with Garth Knox, solo and improvisations |
20:30 | Pascal Amoyel | Meaux | France | |
Théâtre Luxembourg The 50-finger pianist
17:00 | Trio SR9 | Nantes | France | |
Bach & Percussions
20:00 | Quatuor Voce | Augerville-la-Rivière | France | Les Éclats Musicaux |
Augerville Castle Requiem with Ophélie Gaillard, cello |
21:30 | Gaëlle Solal | Vila Real | Portugal | Festival Magos da Guitarra |
Auditório Recital
15:00 | Gaëlle Solal | Bragança | Portugal | Festival Magos da Guitarra |
Auditório Recital
16:00 | Juliette Hurel | Soissons | France | |
Cité de la Musique et de la Danse Vive l'amour! Avec Julie Depardieu & Hélène Couvert |
17:00 | Pascal Amoyel | Coppet | Switzerland | |
Coppet's castle The day I met Franz Liszt
18:00 | Jean-Luc Ho | Amilly | France | |
Eglise Saint-Martin Riposta