Arts-Scène Diffusion

Canticum Novum


Muito faz gran ero

antiga 209, Cantigas de Santa María, Alfonso X el Sabio
Extract of the CD Paz, Salam & Shalom (Ambronay 2011)

Miragres fremoso

Cantiga 37, Cantigas de Santa María, Alfonso X el Sabio (1221-1284)
Extract of the CD "Paz, Salam & Shalom" (Ambronay 2011)

Por alli paso un cavallero

Sefardí, Turquía
Extract of the CD "Paz, Salam & Shalom" (Ambronay, 2011)

El Rey de Francia

Sefardí, Esmirna (Turquía)
Extract of the CD "Paz, Salam & Shalom" (Ambronay 2011)


OYAT at home!

Like a tree whose many roots are rooted in different fertile soils and draw their energy from them, Canticum Novum…

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Like a tree whose many roots are rooted in different fertile soils and draw their energy from them, Canticum Novum has continued to grow and intensify over the years, opening itself up to new human and musical adventures. In this anniversary programme, produced to mark the ensemble's 25th anniversary, Canticum Novum celebrates the notions of rootedness, generational transmission and shared identities, and pays tribute to the bonds forged and the deep attachments created over these 25 years.

Join them on Thursday December 19th at 8pm at the Théâtre Copeau at the Saint-Étienne Opera (FR).

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