Deborah Nemtanu
VIOLINwith the Chamber Orchestra of Paris conducted by Thomas Zehetmair (label Mirare)
Verbunkos: Recruiting Dance
with Florent Pujuila, clarinet
and Romain Descharmes, piano
Pihenő: Relaxation
with Florent Pujuila, clarinet
and Romain Descharmes, piano
Sebes: Fast Dance
with Florent Pujuila, clarinet
and Romain Descharmes, piano
with Pierre Cussac, accordion & arrangements
with Pierre Cussac, accordion & arrangements
with Pierre Cusssac, accordion/arrangements & La Symphonie de Poche (dans le cadre du CD Furiant - La Symphonie de poche)
with the Chamber Orchestra of Paris conducted by Thomas Zehetmair (label Mirare)
Arr. Lucas Henri
with Deborah Nemtanu, violin
with the Chamber Orchestra of Paris conducted by Thomas Zehetmair (label Mirare)
Arr. Lucas Henri
with Pierre Cussac, accordion
Arr. Lucas Henri
with Pierre Cussac, accordion
with the Chamber Orchestra of Paris conducted by Sascha Goetzel (label Naïve)
Arr. Nicolas Simon
with Deborah Nemtanu, violin
with the Chamber Orchestra of Paris conducted by Sascha Goetzel (label Naïve)
Arr. Nicolas Simon
with Deborah Nemtanu, violin
Sarah Nemtanu, violin & Deborah Nemtanu, viola
Arr. Lucas Henri
Orléans, France
Orléans, France
Orléans, France
Offekerque, France
Les concerts de poche
Saint-Hilaire-le-Châtel, France
Les Musicales de Mortagne