Arts-Scène Diffusion

Duo Salque-Peirani


Photo Lyodoh Kaneko
Photo Philippe Colliot
Photo Lyodoh Kaneko
Photo Lyodoh Kaneko
Photo Lyodoh Kaneko
Photo Lyodoh Kaneko
Photo Philippe Colliot
Photo Lyodoh Kaneko
Photo Lyodoh Kaneko

Vincent Peirani (version courte) accordion


Like all popular music, jazz is a music of strong personalities. The international recognition of accordionist Vincent Peirani is based on this essential, fundamental quality. His musical charisma, his highly singular imagination, the conception of his art, the fruit of a career without blinkers, struck everyone very early on.

After brilliant classical studies (numerous international awards), his dive into the world of jazz is indeed immediately marked by success until the crowning in 2014 and 2015 at the Victoires du jazz. Whatever the style, Vincent Peirani turns everything he touches into gold: jazz of course (in addition to his own projects, collaborations with Daniel Humair, Michel Portal, among others), but also French chanson (Sanseverino, Les Yeux Noirs), film music (composer for Mathieu Amalric's film Barbara in 2017), etc. And the public follows, because at each performance he puts his listeners in a situation where the musical obviousness (inventive covers of known themes) is balanced with the unexpected, the learned always being close to the popular, which is precisely the art of the great.

The man who has completely renewed the language of the accordion over the last ten years is now an essential artist, one of those whose cosmopolitan and uninhibited musical vision, his unbelievable sense of cross-fertilization and colour, allow him to bring that magic touch that is so rare and so precious.

March 2024

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