Arts-Scène Diffusion

La Nébuleuse / Gabriel Rignol


Photo Dorine Lepeltier Kovacs
Photo Dorine Lepeltier Kovacs

Gabriel Rignol (biographie longue) Lute, theorbo, guitar


Born on September 16th, 2001, Gabriel Rignol began playing the guitar at the age of 8 in Michel Rubio's class at the CRR in Perpignan (France). At the age of 12 he won the Lempdes competition's first prize, and the Arpoador competition's third prize at the age of 14. At the age of 15 he obtained his DEM with honours. He then decided to devote himself to the lute with Béatrice PORNON and was admitted at the age of 16 to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon in the class of Rolf Lislevand, where he obtained his master's degree in 2023. 

Throughout his studies, he has benefited from the wise advice of great Baroque teachers and performers: Evangelina Mascardi, Benjamin Perrot, Angélique Mauillon, Parsival Castro, Miguel Henry, Nicolas Achten...

He plays regularly with the ensemble Correspondances (S. Daucé), les Arts Florissants (W. Christie, P. Agnew), A Nocte Temporis (R. Van Mechelen), la Guilde des Mercenaires (A. Mabire), les Cris de Paris (G. Jourdain), les Lunaisiens (A. Marzorati), Cappella Meditarrena (L.G. Alarcon), les Surprises (L.N. Bestion de Camboulas)... In various venues and festivals (Agapé, Bozar, Festival de Maguelonne, Festival d'Art Lyrique Aix en Provence...) and has taken part in recordings for various labels as a continuo player (Alpha Classics, Ricercar, Harmonia Mundi, Aparté...), and as a soloist (Deutsche Grammophon, L'encelade, Ricercar). 

In August 2021 he won the Xth Maurizio Pratola International Early Music Competition's first prize, enabling him to be invited to give recitals at various festivals in France (Festival Radio France, etc.) and abroad (Modena, Venice, etc.), and to perform as a soloist with the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire, the Orchestre National Bordeau Aquitaine, Brussels Philharmonic, etc.

In 2021 he founded the ensemble La Nébuleuse, which strives to highlight the French and Italian repertoire of the 17th century. After several premieres and programme recordings, the ensemble's first album, devoted to motets - some previously unpublished - by M.A. Charpentier, will be released in September 2024.

The ensemble has been awarded a grant from the Société Générale C'est vous l'avenir Foundation for the years 2021-2023.


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