Emmanuelle Bertrand
CELLOMontreal with Pascal Amoyel |
Canada | |||
Bourgie Hall Recital
Versailles (78) | France | |||
Montansier Theater Bach, Schubert with Parisii Quartet |
Rennes (35) | France | |||
Jacobins Theater Concertos by Marie Jaelle & Fauré with the Brittany Symphony Orchestra |
Rennes (35) | France | |||
Jacobins Theater Concertos by Marie Jaelle & Fauré with the Brittany Symphony Orchestra |
18:00 | Saint-Péray (07) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | Les musicales de Soyons en ballade | |
17:00 | Grignan (26) | France | ||
Castle Bach Suites
Guyancourt (78) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | |||
Fauré, Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann, Brahms, Strohl
21:00 | Périgueux (24) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | Sinfonia en Périgord / saison des grands interprètes | |
Rennes (35) | France | Orchestre Symphonique de Bretagne | ||
concerto of Marie Jaell witj the symphonic orchestra of Bretagne |
Rennes (35) | France | Orchestre Symphonique de Bretagne | ||
concerto of Marie Jaell witj the symphonic orchestra of Bretagne |
20:30 | Guyancourt (78) | France | ||
Batterie Auditorium Suites by Bach
15:00 | Herve with Pascal Amoyel |
Belgium | ||
Monty Chapel A short story of the great music with Alma Amoyel, violin |
15:00 | Beauvais | France | Festival international de violoncelle de Beauvais | |
Praeludio with Patrick Langot & Maya Villanueva Concerts à 15H00 et 17H00 |
15:00 | Beauvais | France | Festival international de violoncelle de Beauvais | |
Concerts à 15H00 et 17H00 |
Châtenay-Malabry (92) | France | Festival du Val d' Aulnay | ||
Saint-Germain church Bach suites 3 & 4
France | Les folles Notes de Beauzac | |||
19:30 | with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
Val du Layon with Pascal Amoyel |
France | |||
16:30 | Hébécourt with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
Church Fauré - St Saens - Brahms - Chopin
20:45 | Paris (75) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | Festival Chopin à Paris | |
Orangerie de Bagatelle
20:30 | Nohant with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
20:30 | Briançon | France | ||
Eglise Sainte-Catherine
19:30 | Fontvieille (13) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
Castle of Estoublon Brahms, Chopin
Fontvieille (13) | France | |||
Church Recital of Bach's suites for solo cello
17:00 | Hotton | Belgium | Festival de l'été Mosan | |
Château de Deulin Complete Bach Suites
Clohars-Carnoët (29) | France | Les moments musicaux de Saint-Maurice | ||
recital around Bach's suites
France | Festival des abbayes de Lorraine | |||
Bach Suites
Beauzac (43) | France | Les folles Notes de Beauzac | ||
Concert in tribute to Florence Badol-Bertrand
Beauzac (43) | France | Les folles Notes de Beauzac | ||
Concert in tribute to Florence Badol-Bertrand
Vallouise (05) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | |||
20:30 | Montdauphin (05) | France | Musicales de Guil Durance | |
The Arsenal
15:45 | Angers (49) | France | ||
Cloitre de L'ancien couvent de la Baumette Bach's Suites
19:15 | Angers (49) | France | ||
Cloitre de L'ancien couvent de la Baumette Bach's Suites
16:30 | Dangeul (72) | France | ||
Priory of Mayanne Bach's Suites
18:30 | Barfleur (50) | Eté musical de Barfleur | ||
Eglise de Barfleur Bach suites
19:30 | Villach with Pascal Amoyel |
Austria | Carinthischer Sommer | |
Germany | ||||
La Chaise Dieu (43) | France | Festival de la Chaise-Dieu | ||
Auditorium Cziffra Bach suites - part I
Chenereilles (43) | France | Festival en Vivarais Lignon | ||
Church Bach suites - part II
18:00 | Saint-Boil (71) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
18:00 | Court with Pascal Amoyel |
Switzerland | Estivales musicales | |
Fauré, Liszt, Strohl, Debussy, Brahms, Rachmaninov
20:00 | Saint-Malo | France | ||
Palais du Grand Large
18:15 | Paris (75) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | Bibliothèque Nationale de France | |
Auditorium Colbert - Bibliothèque Nationale de France Musical lecture around the Première sonate for cello and piano of Saint-Saëns |
17:00 | Rieux-Minervois (11) with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
Rieux-Minervois Castle
18:00 | Ambronay | France | Festival d'Ambronay | |
Bach Suites
20:00 | SWH Krefeld | Germany | ||
Seidenweberhaus 1st Cello Concerto by Camille Saint-Saëns With the Niederreheinsche Sinfoniker, direction Milkel Küston |
20:00 | KFH Mönchengladbach | Germany | ||
Konzertsaal Theater 1st Cello Concerto by Camille Saint-Saëns With the Niederreheinsche Sinfoniker, direction Milkel Küston |
20:00 | Mönchengladbach | Germany | ||
Concert hall, Theatre (Kaiser-Friedrich-Halle) 1st Concerto for cello of Camille Saint-Saëns With the Niederreheinsche Sinfoniker, conduncting Milkel Küston |
20:00 | Krefeld | Germany | ||
Seidenweberhaus 1st Cello Concerto by Camille Saint-Saëns With the Niederreheinsche Sinfoniker, direction Milkel Küston |
18:00 | Paris with Pascal Amoyel |
France | ||
21:00 | Le Perreux/Marne | France | Festival Notes d'Automne | |
Centre des bords de Marne
20:00 | La Ricamarie (42) | France | ||
Centre Culturel 24H00 in the Life of a Woman of S. Zweigof S. Zweig With the ensemble Sylf & the actor Gilles Chabrier |
20:00 | La Ricamarie | France | ||
Cultural Center
Saint Just Saint Rambert (42) | France | |||
La Passerelle 24H00 in the Life of a Woman of S. Zweig With the ensemble Sylf & the actor Gilles Chabrier |
Versailles | France | |||
Montansier Theater
19:00 | Paris | France | ||
Espace Maurice-Fleuret et Salle d'orgue (Conservatoire de Paris) Tribute to Florence Badol-Bertrand Mozart ou la vie |
09:00 | Paris | France | ||
Espace Maurice-Fleuret et Salle d'orgue (conservatoire de Paris) Tribute to Florence Badol-Bertrand Day of discussion about his work and teaching |
Hamburg | Germany | |||
Laiszhalle Hamburg, Small Hall STRAUSS Suite for winds, op.4 With the Arabesque Ensemble |
20:30 | Châtillon (92) | France | ||
Auditorium Olivier Messiaen - CRI Natura Music for cello, children's voices and piano by Benoît Menut 'Iroise, for solo cello 'Souvenirs de Cosi', for 2 cellos 'Caraïbes' for 2 cellos 'L'oiseau Didariel', for solo piano 'Natura', 16 Quanta for children's voices, cello and piano on poems by Dominique Lambert [Creation]
Emmanuelle Bertrand and Patrick Langot - cellos, Romain David, piano and the students of Isabelle Gubian's and Gaëtan Tesse's music training classes, Marie Hélène Pisson's youth choir |
Le Havre, France
Sceaux, France
Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France
Épernay, France
London, United Kingdom