Arts-Scène Diffusion


The Duel

The Vexin Festival hosts an improvisational joust between Chopin & Liszt this Sunday, September 15th at Théméricourt's church! These days, improvisation is…

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The Vexin Festival hosts an improvisational joust between Chopin & Liszt this Sunday, September 15th at Théméricourt's church!

These days, improvisation is almost exclusively practiced by jazz musicians. And yet, long before jazz, improvisation was primarily the preserve of composers of so-called “classical” music. Audiences came from far and wide to hear something new and creative!
Throughout history, great duels were organized to salute and highlight the performances of these artists: Bach versus Marchand, Handel versus Scarlatti, Mozart versus Clementi or Liszt versus Thalberg, competing creatively on musical or literary themes and unheard-of challenges from the public.

Pascal Amoyel and Dimitris Saroglou are keen to perpetuate this sadly lost tradition, which has been the high point of concerts throughout history, and which aroused unparalleled enthusiasm in those lucky enough to attend.

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