Arts-Scène Diffusion

Pascal Moraguès


Paris France


13:15 Amsterdam Netherlands
Mozart quintet with the Danel's quartet


Paris (75) France
Brahms trio and quintet

Isabelle Faust, violin
Klaus Makela, cello
Ilya Rashkovskiy, piano

Pully (1009) Switzerland Association pour l'art et le lutrin
In kwintet with the quartet Sine Nomine


20:30 Aix en Provence France
Camp des Milles

Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time 
With Renaud Capuçon, Kian Soltani & Hélène Mercier 

21:00 Beauvais (60) France
La Maladrerie de Beauvais

In trio with Claire Désert, piano and Gary Hoffman, cello

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