Claire-Marie Le Guay & François Salque
PIANO AND CELLOBeethoven's last sonatas
BEETHOVEN Sonata opus 69
BEETHOVEN Sonatas opus 102
A Romantic genius par excellence, Beethoven always sought to break free from existing frameworks and to write music that suited him. His last sonatas for cello and piano bear witness to this: Op. 69, with its great density, is also marked by a soothing lyricism reminiscent of the Pastoral Symphony, while the two masterpieces of Op. 102 are characterised by unparalleled instrumental audacity and a fantastic freedom of discourse that is totally innovative.
Marseille, France
Chirens, France
Dinant, Belgium
Festival de l'Été Mosan
Le Houga, France
Festival Musique en Bas-Armagnac
Annecy-Le-Vieux, France