Claire-Marie Le Guay & François Salque
PIANO AND CELLOFemale composers
RITA STROHL Great Dramatic Sonata
LAURA NETZEL Sonata for Cello and Piano
An all-female programme that invites you to discover the works for cello and piano of three major female composers of the 19th and 20th centuries. The poetic and picturesque atmospheres of Nadia Boulanger's Three Pieces provide a subtle counterpoint to the elegance of the Sonata by the Swedish composer Laura Netzel and the romantic spirit of Rita Strohl's Great Dramatic Sonata, which draws its inspiration from the tragic story of Titus and Berenice.
Nantes, France
La Folle Journée de Nantes
Marseille, France
Chirens, France
Dinant, Belgium
Festival de l'Été Mosan
, France
Festival Musique en Bas-Armagnac