Arts-Scène Diffusion



Improvising Purcell


Henry Purcell is one of the most celebrated English composers, whether for his operas, religious works or chamber music: but how did such an extraordinary musician compose? Where did he get his inspiration? 

Improvisation was undoubtedly the practice - common in the seventeenth century - by which composers gave free rein to their imagination, thus allowing their genius and intuition to explore new avenues and express themselves fully. It is this creative process that Acheron wishes to expose here by improvising on some of the most beautiful tunes of the Orpheus britannicus


Alice Duport-Percier, soprano 
Angélique Mauillon, harp 
Miguel Henry, archlute 
François Joubert-Caillet, bass viol & direction


Improvising Purcell
Improvising Purcell

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