Jean-Luc Ho
Goldberg Variations
Purcell & Friends | Harpsichord Recital
Bach Intime - Teaser
Bach Partita's
Bons Baisers de Flandres
Interview - Scarlatti 555 project from France Musique
Partitas of JS Bach - N°3 (Scherzo)
Partitas of JS Bach : Courante
Partitas of JS Bach - N°1 (Gigue)
Bach : The Art of Fugue (1/6)
Bach : The Art of Fugue (2/6)
Bach : The Art of Fugue (4/6)
Bach : The Art of Fugue (3/6)
Bach : L'Art de la Fugue (5/6)
Bach : The Art of Fugue (6/6)
JS Bach : Courante from L'Ouverture à la française BWV 831
Les Nations de Couperin
Pour les festes Solemnelles
Rondeau of the 8ème Ordre of Couperin
Couperin, Offertoire de la Messe des Paroisses
Nicolaus Bruhns
Bach, partita 4 in D Major BWV 828: Overture
William Byrd, Fantasia in A
Frescobaldi, Canzon Quinta a 4, Canto Alto Tenor Basse
Unknown, J'avois cru qu'en vous aymant (clavicytherium)
JS Bach Partitas
William Byrd, My Lady Nevell's Ground
Vincent Lübeck: preambulum
Images of Melancholy
Le Ballet des Passions - Teaser
Bach : The Art of Fugue (1/6)
Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)
Die Kunst der Fuge - The Art of Fugue (1/6)
BWV 1080
Simple fugues
Counterpoint n ° 1: 00'14
Counterpoint n ° 2: 04'32
Counterpoint n ° 3: 08'03
Counterpoint n ° 4: 11'52
Jean-Luc HO J. Ahrend Organ of Porrentruy (1985)
Concert November 4, 2018
I. Hauptwerk (50 n.): Bordun 16, Principal 8, Rape of Gambe 8, Rohr = Flöthe 8, Octava 4, Spitz = Flaut 4, Quinta 3, Octava 2, Tertia, Flaschlöt 1, Mixtur III, Cimbeln II, Cornett III, Trommete 8
II. Oberwerk (50 n.): Principal 8, Gedeckt 8, Quintaden 8, Octava 4, Rohr = Flaut 4, Nassat 3, Octava 2, Quinta 1½, Susflöt 1, Sesquialtera I, Mixtur III, Voxhumana 8
Pedal (26 n.): Main Bass 16, Octav Bass 8, Bass 16 Posaunen, Trompettenbass 8
Pedal-coppel (tirasse I)
Clutch II / I with displacement II
Keyboards and pedals without first sharp
The tiras act in cascade
Sound, images, montages: Roland LOPES, 04.11.2018
Video Resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080 px)
Thanks to Gabriel WOLFER and the Pro-Musica Foundation - Ahrend Organ
Namur, Belgium
Colmar, France
Amilly, France
Poitiers, France
Poitiers, France