Thierry Escaich's musical universe is a complex blend of the secular and the sacred, the Baroque and the Romantic, virtuosity and the utmost expression. Works by Bach and Liszt intermingle in a programme that reveals the different facets of one of the greatest composers of our time.
"How long have you been partners?
Thierry ESCAICH: Ever since Claire-Marie performed the set piece I'd written for her Conservatoire competition. Since then, we've never stopped working together. She has created and performed several of my pieces, sometimes with me, and friendship has joined esteem.
Bach, Liszt, Escaich: why did you choose these three composers?
Claire-Marie LE GUAY: As far as I'm concerned, they all share a common mystical quest, and Thierry, like Bach and Liszt, is a virtuoso, a genius at improvisation and a composer whose writing is generous and abundant.
Thierry Escaich, why this title for your Cinq Etudes Baroques, given here as a world premiere?
Thierry ESCAICH: They are linked to a process of variations used in Bach's time. It's like a memory of an aria that comes through. And motifs that I let proliferate. I've followed much the same approach as Ligeti, also exploiting the instrumental character."
Extract from an interview with Jacqueline Thuilleux, La Terrasse, 2011.
Partita, Chorales (to be determined)
Baroque studies
Blessing of God in solitude
Les litanies de l'ombre
Etude d'exécution transcendante n. 10