Schubert, the child of Vienna, is the undisputed master of the lieder. Among his friends and admirers was the virtuoso guitarist Johann Kaspar Mertz, who adapted a series of his Lieder for the guitar. At the time, schubertiades were performed with piano or guitar. In the same circles, the name of a guitarist who settled in Vienna is on everyone's lips for his virtuosity and flamboyant character: the Italian Mauro Giuliani. His influence on Viennese musical life was considerable, and he was the initiator of the first concertos for guitar and orchestra. Thanks to his virtuosity and extraordinary musical talents, he contributed to the acceptance of the guitar as a serious instrument throughout Europe. The Viennese music scene was steeped in Rossini's arias, and Mauro Giuliani paid tribute to him by composing six Rossiniane, six imposing medleys featuring the best-known arias from his compatriot's operas.
In these same circles gravitated Anton Diabelli, who was both pianist and guitarist, and composed three masterpieces for the guitar: three sonatas. He was also one of Schubert's editors.
Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828)
Six lieders (Arr. Johann Kaspar Mertz)
Lob der Thränen, Liebesbothschaft, Aufenthalt, Ständchen, Die Post, Das Fischermädchen
Anton DIABELLI (1781-1858)
Sonate op.29 n°3 en Fa majeur pour guitare