Arts-Scène Diffusion

Jean-Luc Ho


Bach, traverso and harpsichord works


The traverso and harpsichord have always had a prominent place in JS Bach's work. Spread over some 30 years, the composition of these sonatas shows an unparalleled variety of inspiration and writing. 

Olivier Riehl and Jean-Luc Ho put their talent at the service of the composer's genius and a skilful blend of words and virtuosity. 

One senses in Bach a friendship full of admiration and respect for the musicians who motivated these sonatas; evocations or portraits of the emblematic figures of the flute in the eighteenth century whom Bach met: Pierre Gabriel Buffardin, "unequalled virtuoso, accomplished composer and builder" who came from France and met in Dredes in 1717, and King Frederick II of Prussia in person, the "flute king" to whom Bach went in 1747 in Potsdam at the invitation of his son Carl Philippe.


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