- Metamorphosis
- Johann Sébastian Bach : Sonatas
- Folias !
- The Spirit of Gambo
- Sainte-Colombe Le Fils
- Marin Marais
- François Couperin, Pièces de Viole

The corsairs of Elizabeth
Faith and music on board a British ship
With the A'dam Quartet and/or le Trinity Boys Choir
In the second half of the 16th century, England had a strong sense of religious patriotism in the face of its many Catholic enemies, notably the Spain of Philip II. To defend their island and their faith, the English developed a fleet and an art of fighting at sea that gradually enabled them to dominate the oceans. Authorised by Elizabeth I to fight and plunder foreign ships all over the world, mercenaries became zealous privateers, driven by a strong conviction and patriotism. Sailing in particular to the Americas, these sailors were a real haunt for the Spanish ships filled with American gold, which they looted and destroyed without mercy.
The musical life on board these British ships was astonishingly rich, for the gentlemen of culture who commanded them were keen to maintain a certain moral and spiritual standing within their ships: services were given with extraordinary verve, the sailors putting themselves entirely in the hands and service of their God. Accompanied by viols, these sailors sang Psalms and Lamentations, and one can also imagine that outside of these services they sang secular tunes that were certainly more lively.
This multifaceted programme presents different moments of this marine musical life: sailors' songs, pieces for solo viol, viol consort, etc. The kaleidoscope offered here gives a glimpse of a still little-known aspect of this music of the past.
A'dam Quartet
Olivier Rault, tenor
Louis-Pierre Patron, baritone
Ryan Veillet, tenor
Julien Guilloton, bass
François Joubert-Caillet, viola da gamba
This programme is available in several versions & sizes (CF presentation file)
Philippe Venturini, Classica.fr, 24 aout 2023
L’ensemble de violes L’Achéron, conduit par François Joubert-Caillet, gambiste bien connu pour sa superbe intégrale Marin Marais (Ricercar), rejoint par un quatuor de garçons du Trinity Boys Choir, propose une traversée musicale « sur un navire britannique ». (...) le voyage réserve bien des surprises et des contrastes. Les chanteurs compensent leurs (inévitables, à cet âge) fragilités par un style et un sens du récit impeccables, solidement soutenus par un quatuor de violes et une harpe qui maintiennent le cap et varient les éclairages.
Frédérique Reibell, Classique mais pas has been, Juin 2022
Le gambiste nous fait gouter à un menu varié et délicieux, alternant avec beaucoup d’expressivité et une grande sûreté technique dans la conduite de l’archet, des pièces de caractères, tantôt douces et mélancoliques, tantôt vives et dansantes. (…)
Simiane-la-Rotonde, France
Les Corsaires d'Elizabeth - Quatuor A'dam & François Joubert-Caillet
The corsairs of Elizabeth