Arts-Scène Diffusion

Quatuor Alfama


J.Pohl - Programme « Nord »
Photo Jessica Hilltout
Photo Bjorn Comhaire
J.Pohl - Programme « Nord »
Photo Jessica Hilltout
Photo Bjorn Comhaire
Photo Jessica Hilltout
J.Pohl - Programme « Nord »
Photo Jessica Hilltout
Photo Jessica Hilltout
Photo Jessica Hilltout
Photo Jessica Hilltout

Quatuor Alfama


The Alfama Quartet, founded in 2005 in Brussels, aims to establish itself on the Belgian and international scene by developing a high quality musical style, in line with the aspirations of its members and a coherent and demanding artistic vision. In addition to exploring the vast repertoire for string quartet, the Alfama Quartet defines itself by its openness to collaboration with other artists in the musical and theatrical field.

The Alfama Quartet has performed in many prestigious international venues and festivals, including: Bozar, deSingel, the Luxembourg Philharmonic, the Ambronay Festival, the Cité de La Musique, the Paris Philharmonic, Flagey, the Musée d'Orsay, the Stavelot Festival, the Bordeaux Opera, the Dijon Opera, the Alcobaça Festival, Espinho in Portugal, the Rouen Opera, Resurrexit in Lithuania, Sonntagsmusik in Linz, Racinotes in Switzerland,…

The Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia invited the quartet to perform as a soloist with the orchestra for the concert "La nuit dans tous ses états". The Alfama Quartet also collaborates with the pianists Julien Libeer, Boyan Vodenicharov, Julien Libeer, Guillaume Coppola, Nathanaël Gouin and Guillaume Vincent; the cellists Marie Hallynck, Karel Steylaerts and Camille Thomas; the violist Tony Nys and the singers Jodie Devos and Albane Carrère. 

Their latest cd “Still Schubert” (Cypres, 2019) having been acclaimed by national and international press and received an “Octave de la musique”, the quartet decided to record a new album dedicated to Schumann and Mendelssohn. This album will also include a creation from Patrick Leterme. It will be released in February 2023 under the label Cypres.

The actress Ariane Rousseau and the Alfama Quartet created "Le Rêve d'Ariane" in 2011, a fine and playful show in which young and old alike can discover the history and evolution of the string quartet through the centuries. Since its creation, Le Rêve d'Ariane has been performed more than 250 times in front of nearly 100,000 children. In 2015, the same team wrote a second show, a tale for children entitled "Pomme-Henriette", which was created at the Philharmonie du Luxembourg and repeated in the programme of the Philharmonie de Paris as well as at the Opéra de Bordeaux. Following this success, a third family show was created, "Fanny and Felix", based on the Mendelssohn siblings, and produced by the Festival de Wallonie (in French) and deSingel in Antwerp (in Dutch). The three family shows were translated and produced in both languages.

In 2017, accordionist Anne Niepold and the Alfama Quartet created 'Lalala', a warm concert full of finesse, nostalgia and humour. Anne Niepold's arrangements and compositions combine well-known French songs with pieces from the classical repertoire for string quartet.

The quartet was taught by Walter Levin of the Lasalle Quartet, Rainer Schmidt of the Hagen Quartet, Heime Müller and Natalia Prischepenko of the Artemis Quartet, Eberhard Feltz and members of the Danel Quartet.

The Alfama Quartet is supported by La Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles.


Alice Van Leuven, violin
Caroline Denys, violin
Morgan Huet, viola
Renaat Ackaert, cello


October 2022



Anne Niepold & le Quatuor Alfama font voyager leur projet « Nord » et feront ainsi escale à Vienne en…

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Anne Niepold & le Quatuor Alfama font voyager leur projet « Nord » et feront ainsi escale à Vienne en Autriche en cette fin de semaine!

NORD est une invitation au voyage, une invitation au ‘hygge’. Mais qu’est-ce donc ? Les froids et sombres mois d’hiver ont appris aux habitants des régions boréales à vivre dans une extrême simplicité. Entouré de rudesse, le bonheur se trouve dans les petites choses, dans la confiance, dans la solidarité. Le terme ‘hygge’ signifie en danois ce moment où l'on s'autorise à s’arrêter un instant, profiter d'un chez-soi réconfortant, profiter de la vie. D’ailleurs, certaines nations scandinaves seraient depuis des années les pays les plus heureux du monde… Venez goûter au ‘hygge’, embarquez à bord de cette croisière musicale. Cap au NORD ! 


Photo Julien Pohl

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