Arts-Scène Diffusion

Emmanuelle Bertrand & Pascal Amoyel


Bruce Reader, The Classical Reviewer, February 2015

Cellist Emmanuelle Bertrand joins Pascal Amoyel for the Sonata for Cello and Piano, Op.65 with a beautifully restrained Allegro Moderato that has a fine natural balance between the two instruments. Emmanuelle Bertrand slowly pulls more power from the music, both these artists finding many subtleties with this cellist providing some fine textures and timbres as the movement progresses. These two make a terrific duo, both bringing a real passion to this music [...] The Scherzo: Allegro Con Brio brings some fine interplay between these artists with terrific control, rubato and sense of rhythmic subtly. At times these two players bring a lovely singing quality to the music. Emmanuelle Bertrand brings the most exquisite, deep rich, glowing textures to the Largo, glorious playing, with Amoyel providing a gently supportive flow: superb [...] This is a release not to be missed.


Chants d'amour

Emmanuelle Bertrand & Pascal Amoyel retrouvent le bel écrin du prieuré de Chirens, en Isère, ce samedi 13 juillet à…

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Emmanuelle Bertrand & Pascal Amoyel retrouvent le bel écrin du prieuré de Chirens, en Isère, ce samedi 13 juillet à 20h30 pour un programme intitulé « Chants d’amour » où se côtoient des oeuvres de Fauré, Grieg & Brahms.

Cliquez ici pour retrouver les propositions de programmes du duo pour la prochaine saison.

Photo Philippe Matsas

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